You're Welcome

I checked my mail after about 5 days of letting it stew. Usually it's junk mail, sometimes coupons. Today when I rifled through and separated the wheat from the chaff I was pleasantly surprised. There's something special about receiving surprises in the mail.

I read it and I smiled. And thought about the next class I was going to teach.

The SCA is built on the backs of volunteers. Some people volunteer by running events, some people volunteer by teaching, some people just help in any way they can. I used to think the SCA was a place where I showed up and fun happened, now I understand it's a place where I show up and *make* fun happen. People shouldn't  expect others to make the fun happen for them all the time, the best and most inspired fun happens willingly. At least that's my take on it. Sometimes thanks comes in the form of a verbal "Thank you so much for your time" and sometimes it comes in the form of a token someone cast for you. In this case it was a handwritten card.

Whatever the form, a personal thank you really hits home.
